Greetings Citizens.
I must say that after all the comments from a couple of days ago, I am a little disappointed that I didn't even get close to that number yesterday. I guess I'll have to rip on Jon. Get things fired up again. JK. But do send your comments... just so that I know that you care.
So yesterday, while I was with Debra, I told her that I'd like to learn how to dance. I have always been a bit of a wall flower and never really learned how to dance outside of the silly spinning around that you do in junior high. Anyhow, she said she wouldn't teach me (she is a dance instructor). Why? Because she figures I wouldn't follow her instructions since we know each other. Now that seems ridiculous to me but she stuck to her guns. I told her I was more than a little apprehensive about taking lessons by myself. She said many people go solo to lessons and met partners for life. I sort of looked at her thinking, but I think I'd like to be your partner then. I didn't say it but I was thinking it. She says to me that I'm a big boy and I'll figure out what to do. So today I spent the morning trying to figure out where to take a class... and more importantly what kind of dance class to take. So I decide to take an introductory class for Zydeco dancing. Why Zydeco? Well it sounds like fun and this is Debra. She's a Zydeco fanatic from what I can tell. So for the four Thursdays in September I'll be tripping the light fantastic. God have mercy on my soul! "I just know something good is going to happen." Kate Bush just said that in Cloudbursting. (I'm listening to Hounds of Love). Coincidence? Perhaps.
This evening I got a call from my dear friend Nina Nickles. She lives in Boston. She and her husband, Craig, just had their first child. We were at the Maine Photographic Workshops together. In fact, she was my teaching assistant when I was a Work-Study participant. Anyway, we caught up on things, gossiped about the friends we know and had a few laughs. She's been teaching at a private high school outside of Boston and wanted to know if I would be interested in taking over her classes. She said that I was the only person she could think of to recommend for the job. (Very flattering, indeed). I could be pursuaded into taking over the classes. Nina just built new darkrooms and the kids are eager to learn the craft. If I could find an additional adjunct class nearby, I could make a go of it in Beantown. She said she'd check into it a little more thoroughly and get back to me. If something was to develop, I could contact Christopher James to see if there were any other opportunities there to take advantage of. In fact, I should call tomorrow and find out anyway.
Well, I've got my last semi-pro football game of the season tomorrow. (High school ball starts in two weeks)! I've been reading rules and taking tests all afternoon. Now I am a little on the tired side. I think I'll go read some postmodern essays on Photography and dream of flying. I've been saying to myself... over and over again... before I sleep, "Tonight I fly, tonight I fly...". One of these nights it's going to work. I got the idea from Icarus and if it works... well, how cool would that be?
you should go to boston. after taiwan, i'm thinking about going to school there. although i have hesitations about the finances, i love all the people i've met from the school of the museum, and faculty. anyway, if i ended up there, we could go dance with some cross dressers or something. boston is cool. capitals suck. the capitol sucks too.
Being the bad brother I am, I've only just now read your entire blog. Sorry about the accident on the BMW. Hopefully you'll be getting it back soon. At the very least, I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt.
Reading your blog makes me want to learn photography. John thinks there's an artist inside me, but any time I get close to trying anything artistic, I turn chickenshit and back away.
I've also been checking out all the great photos you've been posting. You had one you said reminded you of the twin towers, and that was exactly what I thought when I first looked at it. I also loved the black and white photo of the twisty two-lane near Petrolia. I've gotta find that road and ride it for all it's worth.
Did dad really name all his cars? I never knew that. I used to name all my cars, but got out of the habit. My Gold Wing never had a name. Maybe that's why I lost it. Once the Excess Eleven is fully roadworthy, I'll ride it until it tells me it's name.
Mike, I think there's a good photo program at South Seattle CC. You should check it out. or I could get you going... but it'd have to be digital since I don't have a darkroom. might be up there next weekend... not sure yet.
shasta, if the opportunity presents itself, i will go to boston. i like the east coast... especially new england.
i love that dirty water/
boston you're my home
WHAT? You pushing my buttons? Nah!
I don't think you were ripping on me, I was ripping on you!
A community college course would be good, if I ever had time off. Bike first, camera second.
yeah mike, i can dig what you're saying. if you need a camera, i have a few laying around... afew that i can give away with no regrets. let me know if you want one. they're old school. oh and yes, dad did name his rigs. they were usually either amos or gertrude.
Amos and Gertrude. Yeah, that sounds like Dad.
Sure, if you've got a spare camera you don't need, I'll make use of it.
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