A rather uneventful day here at the ranch. Got my buddies out the door around 7:30 this morning for their golf date in Medford. We all woke up around 6:15 and I made espresso and sourdough pancakes for them. After they left, I took a long nap.
Then my friend Hubba called from Utah. He was checking up on me... seeing how the football season is going. (They have had two games already)! He's slowing down a little since he had a heart attack last spring. He shouldn't even be doing games but he loves it too much to quit. I know the feeling. It gets in your blood.
Later, Aimee and Mark stopped by on their way home from some function Aimee was expected to attend in Dallas (Oregon). We had a coffee and Aimee bought a couple of prints.
Can't expect to be doing much later on this evening. I may work on my syllabus or I might take a sample football rules test. The idea of doing either one excites me beyond all bounds.
esspresso drinkers. hmmph. ;)
ain't we an uppity bunch!
Heute ist Montag. Wo bist du?
Dnes je pondeli. Kde jsi?
Oggi e il lunedi. Dove sei?
today is monday? how am i? is that what you're saying, silly girl? i'm fine. et tu?
no. I was saying "today is monday, where are you? (your last post was sunday, and you're usually so dilligent abut' posting every day..
i missed the 12 am deadline but i posted. i kept waiting for something exciting to happen!
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