Today Mommy & Daddy celebrated 49 years of marital bliss. Pretty amazing.
And the M's won.
And Wazzu won too! They looked a little suspect at times but we should have a good season. Who knows? Maybe we'll be the team to knock USC out of the #1 Ranking.
Went to meet with Sabrina at Meals-on-Wheels today to try and help them figure out which direction they are looking to go. I was of little help.
I also turned in my timesheet for Catholic Community Services. I haven't seen Kyle in a while. I've tried calling a couple of times but he hasn't called back. I don't know if they're out of town one last time before school starts or that I've failed him somehow.
Other than that, the most exciting thing I did today was buy a new hat for football. Ah, the glamour of it all.
So you are getting spam now in your comments of your blog. Great.
Kind of cool. My parents anniversary is tomorrow. Kinda cool, er I mean kewl.
[junk mail erased]
i really like today's image.
thanks shasta... did you know you can enlerge the image by clicking on it?
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