Greetings Citizens.
Met Mark N. in the big city for some photos and coffee. New images should begin to appear tomorrow. Afterwards, I joined Aaron & Jen for a dinner with a Middle Eastern flair before going to see Garbage in concert. It was okay... not quite the band I'd like to see again but it was an alright show. I thought I was going to have to sit by myself due to assigned seats but Jen came and got me before the first song had ended. There was enough room to stand in the aisle and watch. When the show was over we went to the Virginia Tavern for a drinkie-poo and some onior rings while the traffic thinned out. Then we chatted at the homestead for a bit before I came you to you my gentle readers.
that shirley mansen....what a hottie a la waifdom....
also, i really like this image....its almost like a Tapies painting.
Yes... Shirley was a little hottie. Thanks for the positive feedback on my images!
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