Greetings Citizens. As the day approaches to begin teaching again I am filled with fear. Fear that I won't do a good enough job. Fear that I will fail. Fear that I ain't good enough. I am truly scared. I am scared because I know that if I don't do a great job... not just a good job!... that I have let myself down. I have been waiting for this opportunity for two years and on Monday I find out if I can hack it. I'm teaching something I know so I got that going for me but I'm in an unfamiliar environment with a fellow instructor I do not know. It's all pretty scary for me. I think I have a good idea where I want to take the class. Tomorrow morning I prepare in earnest to make it happen.
On a lighter note, my 8th grade football game today went without a hitch.
You'll be fine.
I like this image, especially the little bits of rust.
mike, thanks for the encouragement. the porsche has been getting fixed for eight years at a shop in kent. the guy said it'd take him 6months to a year to get if up to speed.ha!
perhaps if you dyed your hair blue again, before you go in to class, you'll make an extra great impression.
you'll do fine.
thanks shasta for the vote of confidence. i just might dye my hair.... after football season is over.
I just picked up the latest issue of Rider magazine, and they had a small article about some excellent motorcycles roads around Mt. Hood. Starting in Estacada, you take 224 southwest. It doesn't take long before it begins to get twisty and fun. At National Forest Rd 57 (NF-57), you go east. It's all newly paved. Go left (north) at Shell Rock Rd. Go right (east) at Abbott Rd (NF-58). That road takes you between Clear Lake and Timothy Lake. There are a ton of great camping areas along the roads. At Skyline Rd (NF-42), go left (north). You'll quickly join US26, where you'll want to turn left (north). When 26 becomes the Mt. Hood Hwy, turn right onto Oregon Hwy 35, which will continue north up to the town of Hood River. Cross the Columbia to the Washington side and take Hwy 14 back to Portland. Be sure to fill up in Estacada, because you're not going to see a lot of gas stations along the way.
Thanks for the tip Mike.
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