Greetings Citizens. Today, after my delivering meals to my Tuesday M-O-W clients, I met Meg M. from Chemeketa CC. I signed my contract and found out how little I was really making teaching the non-credit digi-class. Oh well. I like it enough and if I can get some more people interested in photo then I am satisfied. It is definitely better than being yelled at as a sports official... and I don't have to wear a uniform (though I think I should get myself a beret). I got my evaluations from the class too. They gave me better marks than I expected. Tonight, at class, I pretty much let them work on whatever floated their boats. I wandered around offering advice and strategies to them. It seemed to work out well. Most of the students felt they had learned far more than they had thought they would have so I felt happy about that.
I had a burrito for lunch today. When I was finished I thought I had something caught in-between my teeth. I went to get it out and found out I had broken my tooth! so now I have to go up to Seattle on Thursday to get it fixed... or at least get the process started. I'm sure it's going to be pricey but what are you going to do? so I'll ride up there, get my tooth fixed and ride back the next day to work a varsity football game. Action-packed is the life I live!
marcus, i loooovveee today's image. what's today's letter?
hi shasta, glad you like it... it's one i like a lot too. didn't think it'd be much when i shot it. funny how that works. today's letter is "A". that's the grade i hope to be handing out for today's assignments.
i'm beginning to have broken teeth, too. i wonder if this is age? i'm afraid to go to the dentist. :\
i'm enjoying your "blue period"
thanks for the comments icarus.... all of them! better late than never is what my dear ol' mom says.
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