Today at school I was informed that I will be teaching Winter Term at PCC. Believe me when I tell you that was a load off of my mind. Same time slot, same days... different faces.
We covered motion and depth-of-field today. Were they confused? Of course they were. But less so than I expected. Either that or they were faking it good! It is our last technical exercise before me move into more thematic (and aesthetic!) assignments. It also means more lab time for them and less droning on and on from yours truly. A win-win situation if ever I've heard one. They're doing well actually. And I am excited to see what sorts of work they will produce. Smith (the other photo teacher) has had her students make photograms and they are up on a wall for all to see. My kids (I'm sure) are wondering why the f#*% they have to do stupid EI tests and motion assignments. (They'll know soon enough when they start producing the lovely images I know they're capable of making).
Long ride tomorrow and no posting tomorrow night. Back after my game on Friday.
congratulations mark! i'm sure you'll get a full time contract soon. :)
thanks, shasta! i appreciate your positive outlook.
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