
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yesterday, I received a nice little package from Amy B.... four delicious ounces of coffee beans. But not your run-of-the-mill coffee beans! Instead it was the highly sought after Kona beans and not the blended crap either. They are coming in handy today as I pack for Sitka (above photo). Mostly, I need to pack for cool weather and remember to pack all the photo stuff I need, which is big tanks with many reels so I can process the middle school kids' film.

Me & Fang leave at 0300 MDT and arrive in Sitka at 2230 ADT. That's a 22 hour adventure. It'll be hard on Fang. Hopefully he'll handle it okay. We have a HUGE layover in Seattle. My folks are going to pick us at the airport and we're going to have fish & chips at By's Drive-in. Then, maybe a power-nap.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Well, school is done. The kids did a great job in the short time they had to make images. It was a good way to go out.

There's a basketball camp at Logan High School. I've been working games in it for the past two days. It raps up today and I have four more games. I'm making some good pocket money for my trip up to Sitka.

I also have a football game today... a very busy sports day!

Fang has been cleared to fly. He has a snaggletooth and an uplifted testicle but otherwise is in good health. He weighs in at 3 pounds, 15 ounces of man-eating terror!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

There's a basketball camp at Logan High this weekend. That means lots of games to referee. Mine start at noon... I don't know when I finish.

Fang was supposed to get a check-up at the vet's today but the games are getting in the way. I either have to find a later appointment or have my student (who works for the vet) take Fang and I'll pick him up later. He gets to go to Alaska with me. Yea!

And my resume continues to nag me. I can't seem to "git 'er done". But time is running out for the job listing I am interested in, so I will!

Tomorrow is our class Final. Man, that was fast!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Worked a ton of basketball games this weekend... enough to pay Bezold for the image I bought from her (but haven't paid for yet).

Today, I'm going to kill some weeds, fix the parking light on my Falcon and finish up my resume.