Yesterday, I received a nice little package from Amy B.... four delicious ounces of coffee beans. But not your run-of-the-mill coffee beans! Instead it was the highly sought after Kona beans and not the blended crap either. They are coming in handy today as I pack for Sitka (above photo). Mostly, I need to pack for cool weather and remember to pack all the photo stuff I need, which is big tanks with many reels so I can process the middle school kids' film.
Me & Fang leave at 0300 MDT and arrive in Sitka at 2230 ADT. That's a 22 hour adventure. It'll be hard on Fang. Hopefully he'll handle it okay. We have a HUGE layover in Seattle. My folks are going to pick us at the airport and we're going to have fish & chips at By's Drive-in. Then, maybe a power-nap.

So Mark, are you still living in Logan? I myself just got moved in yesterday. If you're still in town I'd like to stop by and say hi.
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