Greetings Citizens. Apparently I wasn't the only official to have problems with parents & coaches at Saturday's kiddie football games. My friend Hubba, who was working with two rookies, also ran into trouble. I'll spare you the details. But when it was all over with a coach packed up his team and left the game before it was over. Hubba was pretty down on himself, so I invited him over to watch the late game between New England and Denver. We had a pizza and talked through all the scenarios that happened.... or could have happened. I'm not sure if he left feeling much better but we did enjoy watching the game even though my TV is a little too small for his liking. Tonight we're having brats and watching MNF at his place on the BIG screen.
Since Hubba came over, I didn't get out and photograph like I wanted to. I won't have a chance to today, either. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get out on Tuesday to make some images.
My basic kids are working on their last technical assignment. So, today, they will learn about using filters in the darkroom to control contrast. They are also going to learn how to mat a print after spotting it. That means I need to get my butt up to school to make some sample images. So off to school I go.
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