
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Well, I finally got around to cooking a meal here in Logan. I made a tasty pork loin roast with vegetables. (I substituted sticky rice for the potatoes). And cantaloupe for dessert.

The 19th C. kids are getting ever so close to successful paper negatives. I expect to see positive results on Thursday when they're supposed to have the Van Dyke Brown assignment done. There were a few students missing on Tuesday. I had them read a paper on "seeing" by Annie Dillard. At the MPW we all had to read it and I found it to be an interesting chapter. Many of the kids didn't though.

I've been trying my hand at digital paper negatives, too. I made a couple last night that I am hoping to get an opportunity to expose today while my basic students work on the images from their EI Test. I also made a couple of images for Jason. He sewed a couple of American flags onto some official's shirts for me, so I made him one for that. The other one is because it's his birthday today.

Tonight is a gallery opening at the museum. That means free food, hobnobbing and (oh, yeah) Art.


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