Greetings Citizens. Yesterday at the kiddie fields was interesting. I had a block in the back call that set the hometown fans on fire in the first game. Oh my, I didn't think Mormons talked like that way! But they still won the game, so maybe they'll forgive me by the time I show up for next week's games. One positive: last week I lost my official's scorecard, where I keep track of time-outs, who received the opening kickoff & stuff like that. It also had my check in it! Well, one of the coaches found it right where I thought I had dropped it and hung onto it. He said if he had known there was money in it, I might not have got it back.
Today, I'm folding clothes and watching football on TV. I'm also planning on doing a little photography later today. There are a couple of spots I've sighted that has some anti-graffiti. I'd like to make some images for alternative processes. Then, after the Seahawks game, I'm heading up to the school for a nice, long session of grading work & papers.
I'm in my dorm room writing this in Walla Walla
It took three days for my account to be in the system...
I still have to get my id card tomorrow
and since most of the purchase around the campus is done with id card I'm gonna be starved till then
I somehow got head of the department of tech&com as my adviser
decided to major in graphic design
This first querter is going to be fun with all that design classes and whatnot...
Thanks for your concern and...
oh, by the way,
have you tried kimchi, cheese, sticky rice combination yet?
naw, haven't had a chance to get any kim chee yet. but i plan on trying it soon! good luck tomorrow!
I'm sure all those that were swearing were Gentiles and not Mormons.
I've never heard a Mormon swear.
Let's go have some KimChi on Wednesday for lunch.
kimchee sounds good to me! but i have class until 1030, then a faculty meeting. and i have to go to the dentist (yea! benefits!!!) at 1430. finally, my night class is at 1830. can we fit it in any of my tiny windows?
I just realized I'm bringing my kids up to Logan with me to visit G-ma's house (they live in Nibley).
So, lunch tomorrow is out.
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