
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Spent the afternoon grading my kids' work. For the most part I was very happy with the work. There were some disappointments but I guess that is always the case.

When I got done I called R because she wanted to get her work back today. She's leaving town for a week and wanted to show her friends and family what she had made this term. By the time I called her she was already ordering pizza with her friends. She gave me directions and I battled traffic to get the work to her. I got to talk to her for maybe five minutes. She asked me if I wanted to stay and have some pizza. Fuck! The pizza was all gone and there were thirty people there. I think I knew four of them. So I politely declined, grabbed a burger at McDonald's and went home and cried.


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