Greetings Citizens. Today was Finals Day for my kids. I got the cinnamon rolls from Fat City Cafe at 0700 and the class started at 0800. There was some wonderful work. Many of the students chose to make books. But the most compelling project was made by a student who had spent her childhood being smacked around by her Father and older brother. On the day she packed up and moved out, her Mother joined her. It was intense! She was sobbing uncontrollably at first but soon composed herself and showed us all the importance of listening to the little voice that resides in our hearts. I can tell you this: when I see my kids make compelling work like that consistently, I know that I should be teaching. Getting some dumb-ass administrative committee to understand that is something else all together.
My critique in ceramics went well. Everyone enjoyed the pinhole camera. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if me & J get a couple more students to sign up.
Stick with it. You are obviously a good teacher - you bring out important things in students' lives. Think of working through that admin mess as a price to pay... Somtimes you have to dance even when the music sucks. Plus, a teacher who brings cinnimon rolls? I'll hire you any day... :-)
thanks james. oh, and see, writing a comment every now & then isn't so difficult. now if i could only get the rest of the lurkers to respond. maybe i need to post some nude self-portraits to get their attention!
Please don't.
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