Greetings Citizens. Tomorrow is the last day for my kiddies to work in the lab. I won't be there to help but will make an appearance around three o'clock. I have to help unload the pit fired ceramics. I saw a lot of the advanced people finishing up on Saturday. They have made some wonderful portfolios. They should all be very proud of themselves.... I am, anyway. There are a few kids I am worried about. (There always are)!
Talked to Jack. He's the guy I get photo gear from in Ohio, He's getting ready to ship me out a Protar lens for my 5x7 Deardorff. It's a sweet piece of glass and nice & small with a lot of coverage. And it's old school.... brass with no shutter.
R got her digital camera today. She went with a Canon. I tried to talk her into a Nikon but was unsuccessful. She's leaving on a voyage to Alaska next week. I get to watch Brody (their dog) for a few days. That should be interesting. He's getting his balls lopped off tomorrow so he'll be a little under the weather for awhile, I suppose. I would be!
Shot a few images today in the Northwest. Nothing terribly exciting. Mostly, it was an excuse to go for a motorcycle ride.
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