
a new photograph every posting... and an inside line to my dreary life

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Greetings Citizens. Tomorrow is the last day for my kiddies to work in the lab. I won't be there to help but will make an appearance around three o'clock. I have to help unload the pit fired ceramics. I saw a lot of the advanced people finishing up on Saturday. They have made some wonderful portfolios. They should all be very proud of themselves.... I am, anyway. There are a few kids I am worried about. (There always are)!

Talked to Jack. He's the guy I get photo gear from in Ohio, He's getting ready to ship me out a Protar lens for my 5x7 Deardorff. It's a sweet piece of glass and nice & small with a lot of coverage. And it's old school.... brass with no shutter.

R got her digital camera today. She went with a Canon. I tried to talk her into a Nikon but was unsuccessful. She's leaving on a voyage to Alaska next week. I get to watch Brody (their dog) for a few days. That should be interesting. He's getting his balls lopped off tomorrow so he'll be a little under the weather for awhile, I suppose. I would be!

Shot a few images today in the Northwest. Nothing terribly exciting. Mostly, it was an excuse to go for a motorcycle ride.


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