Greetings Citizens. Yesterday the new hire for the photo position came into my classroom. She was looking over the facilities, taking notes and scoping things out with the department head. After she had looked around for a bit she asked me if I knew of any equipment that was in need of repair. I was a little bit stunned! I gathered my wits and told her, " Uh, you're placing me in a rather delicate position but no, I can't help you." She looked shocked but said okay and went back to her inventory while I went back to my teaching. Now I ask you, gentle readers, why would the department be so callous to have her come into the classroom while the person she's replacing is teaching instead of having her meet the adjunct faculty member she will be working with? It was like pouring salt in my wound! Here I am halfway out the door and they bring the new tenured track instructor into my class wanting my help. She probably knew nothing but the department surly did and they are some thoughtless bastards, if you ask me. Enough said about that.
I'm doing better in my ceramics class. I almost feel like I'm getting the hang of it. I made three vessels yesterday (and I wrecked my first one and my last one). That's the best success ratio I've had yet in that class! So I'm feeling confident. Jen also showed me her first prototype ceramic pinhole camera. I'm going to try and get some images made with it next week. It looks like it will work though I have some concern with a funky shutter mechanism she's added (per the directions from an article on making clay cameras). We'll see.
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