Greetings Citizens. It's odd being a lame duck teacher. I know that all the teaching I'm doing will only make the new hire's job easier. And I'm treated differently too. One woman who's on the committee (I think) could barely say hello to me yesterday morning at the copy machine. We stood next to each other for five minutes in cool silence. Later in the day the dean asked me my schedule. I told him what it was and he said there would be a couple people coming through on Wednesday. He mentioned it might be awkward. Hmmmm, awkward. Makes you wonder who the visitors will be, doesn't it? Anyway, I don't like going upstairs anymore. I'm just spending quality time with my students. I was going to be shitty and not teach them much but I can't do that to them. They don't have anything to do with what is going on. So, I'll continue to teach them to the best of my ability, pack my shit & move on.
that is really fucked up. i'm sorry you have to go through all this shit. what assholes...cowardly little fuck-tarts....
such is the way of the world. i'll find my (happy) place.
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