Greetings Citizens. Well, I am beginning to work my way through the seven stages of grief over losing my job. I don't plan on it being a pleasant experience. But when I see what other people are doing to survive
their lives, I feel pretty lucky, actually. Still, I can't believe I wasn't given a shot. I was talking with the department head yesterday. He told me I was a wonderful teacher, a great photographer and that I received outstanding evaluations. So, why the fuck am I not even considered for an interview?! It's just crazy! And the other adjunct (who has put in eight years) doesn't get a sniff at the job either. Where is loyalty anymore. It's disgusting. The department head mentioned the search was "national.... international". Yeah? Should I have mailed in my job application from Chicago? Hong Fucking-Kong? (Can you tell that I am in the anger stage of grief)? I really don't know what I am going to do! I don't have any skills.
(Think: Napoleon Dynamite). I know how to teach. But nobody seems the least bit interested. It's terribly frustrating! Of course the folks are being supportive but it should be me helping them out... not the other way around. I suppose I can get some ridiculous "real job" that I'll hate everyday for the rest of my life. But the thought doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather jump off a bridge.
Saturday, I'm going to dinner and the ballet. I figure I might as well enjoy some culture while I can still afford it.
oh, not the 'real job' -- that's desperate talk. like you said, you'll hate it everyday for the rest of your life. something is bound to come your way soon. as for the [expletives] not considering you -- fuck them. they're obviously idiots.
thank you bran for keeping me in your thoughts. i'm sure i'll come out of this okay. still, i appreciate the thoughts.
you betcha. i believe in positive energy. i'm fruity like that. i'm still thinking good thoughts your way.
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