Well, while unemployment has been fun (up to now), it's time to seriously start looking for work. Today, I have an interview in Mendon for a position as a "Life Skills Aide" at Mountainview Elementary. The position involves assisting in the day-to-day activities of students with special needs. It's three hours a day. $10.26 an hour. I have arrived!
Actually, the position fits in quite well with my plans for the future. While I haven't given up on the idea of teaching Photography, I don't really see me getting another opportunity. I'm too old and lack the digital skills compared to the twentysomethings coming out of better Photography programs than the one offered at Utah State. I just don't fit the mold. So, I'm moving in a new direction. I'm looking into alternative routes to obtaining a teaching certificate here & here. I want to teach little kids! Kindergarten is my first choice but it's really difficult to get endorsed going the route I'm going. So, I'm looking at first & second grade. I need to take a math class though. (I went through all of my years of college without ever taking a math class)! There's one in October. So the teacher's aide class gets me into the classroom to refresh myself on the culture of an elementary school.
There is also an "Art Specialist" position open. If I can get that job too, I'd be in pretty good shape. Part of my reason for wanting to teach in elementary schools is that there is a lack of art being taught. And I, for one, feel that that is a great disservice to the kids. Many years ago, I pursued a K-12 Art Education Certificate. Never got it because I hated teaching in high school. But I loved elementary! So, I'm going to try to go back to the first grade.

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