Last night the kids from the Photo Guild hung some work at the Cafe Ibis. There are images from seniors on down to some of the basic students. I think it's a great opportunity for the kids to get their work out in the public arena and be seen. Unfortunately, I think a couple of images are going to be excluded because there might be a little too much skin showing. Well, I guess there's a lesson to be learned there too.
I've been pondering the notion of having my students in next semester's Independent Projects class use plastic cameras for their projects. Many of the kids will also be taking Photo II (which is a seriously technical class) and I'm thinking the freedom of using a plastic camera and the inherent emphasis on seeing will be good for them.
I taught a plastic camera class in Alaska this summer with high school kids and was mildly surprised at the quality of the work that was produced. I've always wanted to have a low-tech class in college and this looks like my best chance. I've polled some of the students and they seem interested so I'm thinking it's Holga time.
good to see you blogging again. I have a new blog at www.andydduncan.com/blog if you want to check it out.
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