So R's daughter called a while ago to pick up Brody. I was sad. I really enjoyed having the dog in my life. He's a good little pup. Actually, little isn't the right word. Brody's a Labradoodle and is going to be a good-sized dog when he's fully grown. Right now I think he's six months old and weights 35 pounds. Anyway, I'll miss him. It was fun taking him on walks and to the doggie park. Hopefully, I'll still get to do a little of that when R returns. I kept hoping she'd call me or drop me a post card but I received neither and that makes me sad too.
Tomorrow I am helping J & A paint their kitchen. Then I am supposed to meet my old TA from the Maine Workshops. He's out here house hunting. It'll be fun to get together and tell each other some lies.
So what is Diana? The camera you used?
yes, it's a camera that was made by the chinese in the 70's. they are very cheaply made and take these esoteric images. You can check out this link for a little info and google "diana toy plastic camera" for more links.
whoops! here's the link: http://www.baja.com/sensuousline/sline0697/diana.htm
I love my pup. Dogs are great companions.
I checked that page out. How long have you had your Diana?
i got my first diana at st vinnies for 25 cents. i got it in 1990 but didn't use it until i read an article about this group of people usng plastic cameras. i remember saying, "i have one of those," and i started shooting with it until i melted it in my car in maine. i still have the lens. it's mounted on a shutter and i use it still on my 4x5 camera.
So it's just the plastic lens? And the 4x5 camera, is that a plate camera? Sorry for all the questions, but I really don't know shit about photography.
a 4x5 is a type of large format camera. the negative is 4x5 inches. i mounted the lens (which normally covers 4.5 x 4.5 centimeters) onto a shutter and put it on my 4x5. it produces a circle because the lens doesn't cover the film completely. make sense?
Surpringly, yes.
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