Greeting Citizens, It has been brought to my attention that my blog is depressing and needs more flowers. So for your viewing pleasure: moi as a tulip. Ain't I a fragrant one! I need to photograph more babies... or so the rumor goes. Now back to my usual diatribe. I called PCC today to find out what in the Sam Hill is going on about the teaching position. Know what I was told? That the guy isn't working for the summer. Oh my Hannah! Do I WANT to work with these people? (Of course I do)! But c'mon! Where's the respect and common deciency? Has it gone in the same direction as the recent Supreme Court ruling on property rights and eminent domain? That is to Hell in a handbasket?! But hey, I'm supposed to be warm and fuzzy.
Tomorrow I am meeting Kyle. He's a "troubled youth" and I'm his mentor. I teach how to smoke cigarettes and stuff. JK! He's in a foster home and I provide a respite for him and his foster parents. He's a good kid, no more messed up that any other 17 year-old I've met. I think we're going to head up to Silver Falls and do some pinhole photography. I have some Type 55 Polaroid film I need to expose before the developer pods dry out. He's artsy-fartsy to a degree. He likes to draw anime figures. Maybe he'll like photography. I showed him some of my work once. He wasn't too impressed. He wanted to smell the fumes from my Sharpie instead. Man, it's a twisted world.
now that's what i'm talking about
i knew you'd like it!
you're such a sweet and delicate tulip! alas.
thanks shasta, you're a sweet little buttercup yourself
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